Savory Tomato Sooji Halwa - Nonta Suji

Palta Pata Fry - Parwal Leaves

Palta pata Bhaja (putulika/parwal/patola leaves fry)

As mentioned in Susruta Samhita
"Susruta Su 46.337"

  • The Pittaja and Raktaja types person should be given draughts of clarified butter duly cooked with the (bitter) drugs as the leaves of Patola etc
  • Meals composed of the articles of bitter and pungent tastes as well as draughts of milk mixed with the soup of Kulattha-pulse are recommended for a person suffering from any complaint due to the presence of worms (Krimi of whatever kind) and seeking their destruction.
  • A potion of the decoction of Haridra, Triphala, Nimba, Patola etc. would cure fever with indigestion, water-brash, dropsy, cough and dis-relish for food.

Sushruta one of the earliest surgeons of the recorded history (600 B.C.) is believed to be the first individual to describe plastic surgery. Sushruta who lived nearly 150 years before Hippocrates vividly described the basic principles of plastic surgery in his famous ancient treatise 'Sushruta Samhita' 1,2 in 600 B.C.

See more interesting informations and images at
  • Sushruta doing earlobe reconstruction.
  • Saushruta is doing mock surgeries on gourds, watermelons, cucumbers.
  • Surgical instruments as described by Sushruta.

"The pointed gourd/Patola/Parwal"
Scientific name Trichosanthes dioica

Ingredients for Palta pata bhaja

  • Patola/parwal leaf (পটল পাতা) about 2 to 3 per head

For the binder:
  • 1 tsp kala jeera/nigella seeds
  • 2 tbsp rice powder
  • 1 tbsp flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • A pinch of sugar to balance the taste
  • 1 tbsp oil


  1. Wash the leaves gently without damaging them and drain thoroughly.
  2. Mix the binder with minimum water.  Sprinkle kala jeera (nigella seeds) in the mix. The water of wet leaves will be sufficient to stick the binders to the leaves.
  3. Do not chop the leaves, put the whole leaf in to the binder mix.
  4. Put a flat tawa or nonstick fry pan on heat for shallow fry.
  5. Wet your fingers with water. Take leaves one by one. Do not be tempted to add more binder. The leaf will just be quite visible. It will be just enough to stick to the leaves. Now fold the whole leaf once and press them so that they stay flat.
  6. Now shallow fry with 1 tbsp oil in the batches.
  7. Do not turn the leaf until its done on one side.  It can be moved easily with a spoon then.
  8. Turn the leaves and let it be for a few minutes.
  9. The leaves and the binder will become crunchy slight black and green in color.
  10. Repeat the process from 5 to 8 until done completely.
  11. Serve with white steamed rice and clarified butter or ghee.


  1. You have to watch the heat. It should be controlled else Palta pata will be burned.  Do not put much oil, it will make the leaf sticky on pan. If sticky on pan, put off the heat or move pan from the heat, let it cool for a few minutes, it can be flipped easily.
  2. It can otherwise be made like fritters using patola/parwal leaf paste mix with besan (chickpea flour), salt to taste, and sallow fry by batches.
